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Places & Nations in the Bible World

Nations, Peoples, Maps
Places in Palestine
Places in the ancient world


  Soldiers, Rulers & Nationalities

Soldiers, Rulers & Nationalities

Soldiers: Assyrian/Babylonian, PersianEgyptian, Greek, Roman, and Syrian/Palestinian 
Rulers: Assyrian, Babylonian, PersianEgyptian, Greek, Roman, Syrian, and Palestinian
Nationalities in the Bible


  Places within Palestine

Places in Palestine

Bethany, Bethlehem, Caesarea, Caesarea PhilippiCapernaumDead Sea, Gerazim, Hazor, Hebron, Jericho, Jerusalem & TempleJezreel, Joppa, Jordan, Masada, Megiddo, Moab, Nazareth, Petra, QumranRed Sea, Samaria, Sea of Galilee, Shechem, Sinai PeninsulaTabor, Tyre, Wilderness and others


  Places in the Ancient World

Places in the World

Greece: Athens, Corinth, Delphi, Philippi, Thessalonica & others
Turkey: Aprodisias, Ephesus, Hierapolis, Laodicea, MiletusPergamum, Philadelphia, Sardis, Smyna, Thyatira, Troy     
Africa,   Iran & Iraq,   Islands,   Italy


  Maps of the Ancient World

Blank maps, place names, Satellite images.